Secrets of Instagram promotion

No matter how beautiful, interesting and original photos you posted to Instagram, if you do not use the tools of promotion, the new subscribers and likes you get. The development of your page in Instagram depend not only on your regular activity and proper interaction with the audience, and how you publish posts. We have gathered for you the recommendations of experienced bloggers that will help you to promote your profile in Instagram. You can also order free likes on instagram by clicking on the link, which also helps to successfully develop your blog.

Choose the right time to publish

Don’t make the mistake of laying out pictures when I want. The key to success — time and regular publications. Try to experimentally determine what time of day your posts will bring more user activity, for example, day or night.

If you can put pictures only a few times during the week, identify the most successful days. By the way, at the weekend in the Instagram activity of the big bloggers calms down, so your posts will not be lost in the flow of their publications.

Use hashtags

The hashtag is one of the main tools to promote the page in Instagram, but many users either don’t know or don’t want to know about its importance. When added to Postup popular hashtag, you will automatically attract an audience that is interested in a certain topic, but your potential subscribers can find you on hostage.

Mark each photo with the hashtag that corresponds to the subject of the publication. But do not abuse them, as a large number of hashtag, generally annoying to visitors, and their excessive use can even cause blocking of the account.

Subscribe to page like-minded people

Your base of followers you can expand and use the subscriptions to people with similar interests. Most blogger scans the pages of subscribers, and if you see interesting, you can sign up in response. Find like-minded people by hashtags and geotags, choose of people whose interests are most similar to your — this increases the chances of getting new subscribers.